Get Over It Book

Get Over It Book

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An informative book on how to get over anxiety in your life.

“Get Over It!: How to Stop Worrying” is a guide to help chronic worriers -- or those who let worry get the best of them at times – overcome the self-doubt and anxiety that worry always causes.

You have to know exactly what worry is and where its roots are located in your particular worry patterns. Within this guide, you’ll learn how to know if you’re a chronic worrier by answering a few simple questions -- and how worrying might be affecting your mental and physical health.

Worry is a form of stress and can lead to GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). An excess of stress hormones when you develop GAD may circulate in your bloodstream and cause a downturn in physical health. Health problems that you may develop from excessive worrying include muscle tension, aches and pains (including headaches), loss of libido and depression – plus other maladies, which may affect your health long-term.

Your immune system may also suffer and cause you to be more prone to infection. Women seem to worry more than men, and that may be part of the reason that women are more prone to depression.

You may think there’s no way around worry and that it’s impossible to stop, but there are ways to alleviate worry and live a life that will keep you happy, healthy and (almost) worry-free. Knowing how worry can affect your health and identifying the worry symptoms are big factors in the next step of conquering worry – analyzing the worry so you can reach the best solution for you.

 The facts about worry will point you in the direction you should take to eliminate worry from your life forever. A worry journal in which you write down your worries, the times the anxiety began and your thoughts at the time will help you find a solution to the problems that may have haunted you since childhood.

Reducing the symptoms of your worry problems is the ultimate goal of this guide. There are several useful techniques you can use to calm your fears and stop worrying before the anxiety sets in. 

At the end of each chapter in “Get Over It!: How to Stop Worrying,” you’ll find a helpful list of the main points of each chapter. You can revisit these points of interest and refresh your memory without having to reread the entire guide.

Make a resolution to stop the worry patterns in your life and begin to live “worry free.”