Boundaries Book

Boundaries Book

Regular price $6.55 Sale

Are you often exhausted at the end of a day and can’t figure out what happened to all 
the energy you started with at the beginning of the day? Perhaps you can’t think of one thing you’ve accomplished for yourself.

You may feel that you’re inside a prison which you’ve created for yourself because you let people disrespect you by sucking up your time and efforts without you having any say whatsoever.

Being unable to set effective personal boundaries can leave you overwhelmed and exhausted – both professionally and personally. Your life may need revamping to include boundaries which you set for yourself and are confident that you have the courage to carry them out.

This guide, “Boundaries, the art of saying no,” is designed to help you over the hurdles of setting healthy boundaries for your life and providing tips to handle situations involving work, family, spouse and friends.

You’ll learn what personal boundaries are and why they’re so important to your future health and well-being. You’ll also learn various situations in each category that commonly occur in relationships – and how to handle them with diplomacy rather than anger.

Knowing how to develop and set boundaries for yourself is often the most difficult part of establishing them. You may fear hurting someone’s feelings or even ending the relationship.

While this is a possibility, it’s unlikely if you do it properly. Anticipating the reaction(s) and planning how you’ll react is one way to handle a delicate situation of boundary setting.

It’s time to rethink and set some boundaries if you’re feeling powerless and your self- confidence is dwindling because you’re not standing up for yourself. “Boundaries, the art of saying no” will guide you through the life-changing process of setting boundaries – and getting your life back.